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Sep 24, 2019

With Rick out of commission, it's time for Molly to fly the Arrow to victory against Grooor! There's just one problem: she is babey.

And Disney's standards and practices won't let her say the f*ck word. Luckily, your humble hosts are unbound by the gripping claw of the Mouse. (If the Disney corporation is interested...

Sep 17, 2019

Molly (aka Eva) follows her dad to the planet Alwas, only to realize that, even in the far reaches of space, the patriarchy is alive and well. On the other hand, she also discovers that aliens are surprisingly smoochable!

Will Ben be led astray by the siren song of Molly/Aikka shippery, or stay on the righteous path of...

Sep 10, 2019

Welcome, friends old and new, to the first episode of The Ultimate Reprise: Earth's only podcast about Oban Star Racers!

Cool, angsty teen Eva Wei ditches school to go hang out with her dad (as cool teens are wont to do). Little does she realize that she, like you, is on the cusp of a Franime space adventure.

Join the...

Sep 7, 2019

If you've never seen Oban Star Racers, you should. We're not mincing words or hiding our peer pressure. If you love cartoons, if exquisite animation and cool ships and aliens and tightly crafted plotting and emotional drama are everything you could ever want out of your cartoons, you owe it to yourself to absorb this...